Our Services

Our Expertise

Aviation Law

Aviation Laws

The Firm has advised and represented every sector of the aviation industry, ranging from engine manufacturers such as Rolls Royce to airlines themselves on a vast array of issues. The Firm has additionally also represented insurance brokers and insurance companies such as Willis and EFU Insurance respectively, with regards to claims arising out of aviation accidents.

Aviation Law
The Firm has advised and represented every sector of the aviation industry, ranging from engine manufacturers such as Rolls Royce to airlines themselves on a vast array of issues. The Firm has additionally also represented insurance brokers and insurance companies such as Willis and EFU Insurance respectively, with regards to claims arising out of aviation accidents.

Arbitrations Laws

Arbitrations Laws

Our legal team has an impressive track record as evidenced by their success in both domestic as well as international arbitration proceedings, including proceedings brought
Arbitrations Laws
Our legal team has an impressive track record as evidenced by their success in both domestic as well as international arbitration proceedings, including proceedings brought before the globally renowned International Court of Arbitration. At Khalid Anwer and Co., we pride ourselves on consistently representing our clients in a variety of alternative dispute-resolution methods.

banking Laws

banking Laws

At Khalid Anwer and Co., our legal experts specialize in crafting tailored solutions to navigate the intricate realm of banking laws.
Banking Laws
At Khalid Anwer and Co., our legal experts specialize in crafting tailored solutions to navigate the intricate realm of banking laws. Our seasoned team offers strategic counsel, compliance support, and dedicated representation to empower your financial institution with the knowledge and confidence to effectively navigate the multifaceted landscape of banking regulations.

civil & construction Law

civil & construction Law

At our firm, we excel in delivering comprehensive services pertaining to civil and construction laws. Armed with a deep understanding of industry regulations
Civil & Construction Law
At our firm, we excel in delivering comprehensive services pertaining to civil and construction laws. Armed with a deep understanding of industry regulations, we offer strategic counsel, adept contract drafting, proficient dispute resolution, and reliable representation. Our goal is to facilitate seamless project execution and achieve effective resolution of construction-related challenges.

General commercial law

General commercial law

At Khalid Anwer and Co., we extend our expertise to encompass general commercial laws, prioritizing the safeguarding of your business interests.
General Commercial Law
At Khalid Anwer and Co., we extend our expertise to encompass general commercial laws, prioritizing the safeguarding of your business interests. Our seasoned team offers expert guidance on contracts, transactions, regulatory compliance, and a wide array of related matters. Rely on us as your trusted legal partner to provide steadfast support in navigating the complexities of the commercial landscape.

company law

company law

Prominent multinational corporations and industrial conglomerates engage our firm to avail themselves of our expert advisory services in matters pertaining to corporate law.
Company Law
Prominent multinational corporations and industrial conglomerates engage our firm to avail themselves of our expert advisory services in matters pertaining to corporate law. Our notable accomplishments encompass the effective representation of majority shareholders in significant entities such as Gul Ahmed Textile Mills and the Dawood Group, the favorable resolution of an out-of-court settlement for Mr. Arif Dawood, and the successful advocacy on behalf of minority shareholders in Searle Pakistan and JDW Sugar Mills.

competition law

competition law

Our firm boasts an extensive and distinguished track record in providing legal counsel and representation to clients under the purview of the Competition Ordinance of 2007
Competition Law
Our firm boasts an extensive and distinguished track record in providing legal counsel and representation to clients under the purview of the Competition Ordinance of 2007 and the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Ordinance of 1970. At present, we are actively representing prominent cement manufacturers entangled in allegations of cartel formation, as well as advocating on behalf of multiple banks challenging the Competition Ordinance. Additionally, we serve as legal counsel to the Karachi Stock Exchange and Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited in matters pertaining to competition law.

constitutional law

constitutional law

Our law firm proudly upholds a distinguished tradition of engaging in constitutional litigation within the legal landscape of Pakistan. Our senior partners have prominently featured in watershed cases
Constitutional Law
Our law firm proudly upholds a distinguished tradition of engaging in constitutional litigation within the legal landscape of Pakistan. Our senior partners have prominently featured in watershed cases, actively participating in Supreme Court proceedings that critically assessed the legality and constitutionality of coup d'etats in 1969, 1977, and 1999. Among our notable cases are those where we contested military takeovers and staunchly defended government dismissals. Presently, our senior partner, Mr. Anwer, boasts a robust and extensive portfolio of appearances in high-profile constitutional matters.

Customs laws

Customs laws

Our legal practice demonstrates exceptional proficiency in the provision of counsel and advocacy in the realm of Customs Laws. At present, we are in the active representation of Indus
Customs Law
Our legal practice demonstrates exceptional proficiency in the provision of counsel and advocacy in the realm of Customs Laws. At present, we are in the active representation of Indus Motor Company and Dewan Farooque Motor Company in contentious matters with the Customs Department pertaining to the intricate domain of running royalty calculations. Notably, we achieved a favourable ruling from the Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunal (IRAT), with pending appeals currently sub judice before the High Court.

Cyber laws

Cyber laws

Our firm further demonstrates adeptness in the domain of cyber laws. Leveraging our profound understanding of digital security regulations, we provide an all-encompassing spectrum of legal services, encompassing data protection, privacy compliance
Cyber Laws
Our firm further demonstrates adeptness in the domain of cyber laws. Leveraging our profound understanding of digital security regulations, we provide an all-encompassing spectrum of legal services, encompassing data protection, privacy compliance, cybercrime defence, and incident response strategies. Entrust the protection of your digital assets to our esteemed legal expertise and shield your data from unauthorized intrusion and compromise.

intellectual property

intellectual property

Our legal practice is dedicated to the specialized field of intellectual property, providing a comprehensive array of legal remedies aimed at the preservation and administration of your invaluable intangible assets.
Intellectual Property
Our legal practice is dedicated to the specialized field of intellectual property, providing a comprehensive array of legal remedies aimed at the preservation and administration of your invaluable intangible assets. Covering the entire spectrum of intellectual property rights, spanning trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets, our seasoned team extends support in areas such as registration, rigorous enforcement, and adept dispute resolution, all strategically designed to fortify and protect your intellectual property interests.

labour laws

labour laws

Our legal practitioners are fervently committed to providing clients with adept guidance in an extensive array of labor law matters. Spanning from the intricacies of employment contracts and the formulation of workplace
Labour Laws
Our legal practitioners are fervently committed to providing clients with adept guidance in an extensive array of labor law matters. Spanning from the intricacies of employment contracts and the formulation of workplace policies to the intricacies of dispute resolution mechanisms and regulatory compliance, we offer expert legal counsel, robust representation, and customized legal strategies. Our objective is to safeguard your rights, and cultivate a mutually advantageous employer-employee relationship in accordance with the prevailing legal framework.

legislative drafting

legislative drafting

Our legal practice demonstrates mastery in the precision of legislative drafting, intricately constructing laws, regulations, and policy frameworks marked by lucidity and comprehensiveness.
Legislative Drafting
Our legal practice demonstrates mastery in the precision of legislative drafting, intricately constructing laws, regulations, and policy frameworks marked by lucidity and comprehensiveness. Employing scrupulous attention to detail, we ascertain that your legislative documents are meticulously organized, exacting, and harmoniously consonant with established legal tenets, thereby furnishing a robust underpinning for governance efficacy and adherence to regulatory mandates.

media laws

media laws

Our legal team is suitably equipped and possesses significant expertise in addressing media law matters, delivering exhaustive legal services tailored to the intricate domain of media regulations.
Media Law
Our legal team is suitably equipped and possesses significant expertise in addressing media law matters, delivering exhaustive legal services tailored to the intricate domain of media regulations. Our purview extends from content origination and dissemination to matters pertaining to defamation and the preservation of intellectual property rights. We provide adept compliance assistance, conflict resolution mechanisms, and the safeguarding of freedom of expression within the dynamic and continually evolving media landscape.

mergers & acquisitions

mergers & acquisitions

Confide in our firm to serve as your legal collaborator in the intricate realm of mergers and acquisitions. We extend our adept support across the full spectrum of this process, commencing from meticulous due diligence exercises and comprehensive deal structuring
Mergers and Acquisitions
Confide in our firm to serve as your legal collaborator in the intricate realm of mergers and acquisitions. We extend our adept support across the full spectrum of this process, commencing from meticulous due diligence exercises and comprehensive deal structuring, and culminating in intricate negotiations and rigorous documentation. Our accomplished team meticulously orchestrates each transaction, ensuring the unimpeded flow of operations, all while diligently shielding your interests and optimizing value in each transactional arrangement.

petroleum law

petroleum law

Our esteemed legal practice provides an all-encompassing array of services in the domain of petroleum laws, meticulously tailored to address the distinct requisites of the energy sector.
Petroleum Law
Our esteemed legal practice provides an all-encompassing array of services in the domain of petroleum laws, meticulously tailored to address the distinct requisites of the energy sector. Our proficiency spans the spectrum, encompassing regulatory compliance, licensing procedures, intricate contract negotiations, adept dispute resolution mechanisms, meticulous oversight of environmental compliance, and the delivery of strategic counsel. We invite your trust in our specialized expertise for the effective management of legal affairs inherent to the petroleum industry.



Our firm epitomizes the pinnacle of professionalism in the sphere of privatization, delivering bespoke legal support to facilitate the seamless shift from public to private ownership structures

Our firm epitomizes the pinnacle of professionalism in the sphere of privatization, delivering bespoke legal support to facilitate the seamless shift from public to private ownership structures. Our array of services includes strategic counsel, rigorous due diligence procedures, intricately structured transaction arrangements, and meticulous oversight of regulatory compliance. Through our efforts, we ensure the culmination of successful privatization endeavors, characteristically optimizing value and fostering economic expansion.

power & energy laws

power & energy laws

Our legal practice serves as the advocate for Power Producers, Industrial entities, and Telecommunication Corporations, engaging prominently in cases before the Supreme Court.

Power and Energy Law

Our legal practice serves as the advocate for Power Producers, Industrial entities, and Telecommunication Corporations, engaging prominently in cases before the Supreme Court. We specialize in representing Independent Power Producers engaged in legal pursuits to secure payment of pending dues from the National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC). In addition, we represent industrial entities in challenges against the Peshawar High Court's interpretation of gas load-shedding matters. Our comprehensive expertise spans the domain of electricity laws, encompassing the protection of telecom corporations, the resolution of intricate billing disputes, and the provision of counsel on matters pertaining to project financing and contractual agreements.

project financing

project financing

Our area of expertise centers on project financing, where we provide specialized legal services to clients operating across diverse industries. Our accomplished team is instrumental in the formulation, negotiation, and ultimate validation of project and security documents.

Project Financing

Our area of expertise centers on project financing, where we provide specialized legal services to clients operating across diverse industries. Our accomplished team is instrumental in the formulation, negotiation, and ultimate validation of project and security documents. Our proficiency extends to encompass financing agreements, implementation agreements, and scrupulous oversight of regulatory compliance, thereby guaranteeing the triumphant and seamless realization of project financing endeavors.

real estate finance

real estate finance

As a preeminent legal entity, we are at the forefront in delivering specialized services concerning real estate finance, conscientiously addressing the distinctive requirements of our clientele within this sector.

Real Estate Financing
As a preeminent legal entity, we are at the forefront in delivering specialized services concerning real estate finance, conscientiously addressing the distinctive requirements of our clientele within this sector. Our seasoned team of attorneys is instrumental in the formulation and negotiation of real estate financing transactions, meticulously guaranteeing alignment with regulatory frameworks, and optimizing financial repercussions. We provide all-encompassing legal counsel throughout the entirety of the real estate finance process.

legal secretarial services

legal secretarial services

Our firm extends proficient legal secretarial services dedicated to bolstering the efficiency and continuity of your legal operations. From the meticulous preparation and adept management of legal documents to the meticulous

Legal Secretarial Services

Our firm extends proficient legal secretarial services dedicated to bolstering the efficiency and continuity of your legal operations. From the meticulous preparation and adept management of legal documents to the meticulous scheduling and deft handling of correspondence, our accomplished team orchestrates a seamless workflow, characterized by an unwavering commitment to precision. Rely on us to oversee your administrative tasks, thereby enabling you to concentrate your efforts on the core legal intricacies at hand.

taxation laws

taxation laws

Our legal practice extends its purview to encompass taxation laws, rendering a suite of services that caters to both individuals and enterprises.

Taxation Laws

Our legal practice extends its purview to encompass taxation laws, rendering a suite of services that caters to both individuals and enterprises. We provide expert counsel in the realm of tax planning, meticulously oversee tax compliance, and engage adeptly in conflict resolution pertaining to tax-related matters. Our seasoned tax attorneys ably guide clients through the labyrinthine maze of intricate tax regulations, strategically optimizing deductions, and guaranteeing adherence to both local and international tax obligations.

telecommunication Laws

telecommunication Laws

In our capacity as a legal entity, we extend our comprehensive support within the sphere of telecommunications laws, delivering a diverse spectrum of services tailored to clientele within the telecommunications sector.
Telecommunication Laws
In our capacity as a legal entity, we extend our comprehensive support within the sphere of telecommunications laws, delivering a diverse spectrum of services tailored to clientele within the telecommunications sector. Our adept legal practitioners offer strategic counsel on matters encompassing regulatory compliance, licensing, spectrum management, data privacy compliance, and network infrastructure intricacies. Our unwavering commitment is to assist clients in expertly traversing the intricate terrain of telecommunications laws, while concurrently facilitating the realization of their business objectives.

WTO law

WTO law

We possess profound expertise in matters pertaining to World Trade Organization (WTO) laws, and we extend a full spectrum of legal services to guide and support clients in the realm of international trade.
WTO Laws

We possess profound expertise in matters pertaining to World Trade Organization (WTO) laws, and we extend a full spectrum of legal services to guide and support clients in the realm of international trade. Our seasoned legal team dispenses expert advice on various facets of WTO regulations, trade agreements, dispute resolution mechanisms, market access protocols, customs and tariff policies, anti-dumping measures, and issues of compliance. Our unwavering dedication is directed toward facilitating clients in navigating the intricate intricacies of global trade, enabling them to strategically fulfill their business objectives within the ambit of the WTO framework.